Addressing Urgent Unmet Medical Needs

Gram-negative Infections
Unmet Need of AMR
1.27M deaths globally in 2019
>$4.6B US healthcare costs in 2017
Substantial non-dilutive funding available to fund existing R&D
Strong partnership potential
- Antibiotic deal flow increasing
- ~$1.4 billion in recent acquisitions and licenses
Competitive Landscape
Significant decline in R&D
Few recent innovations in the space
80% of recent approvals are derivatives of known classes

NTM Lung Disease
Unmet Need
M. avium complex (MAC)
- 50k U.S. patients
- Limited treatment options with only one approved drug (Arikayce), improvements in safety/tolerability and oral dosing needed
M. abscessus (MAB)
- 15k U.S. patients
- No approved drugs; emerging clinical data for omadacycline
Competitive Landscape
New oral therapies needed
Recent clinical development setbacks leave no oral agents in development for MAC

Respiratory Medicine
Unmet Need
Large and growing U.S. patient population across multiple categories
- ~35m with asthma/COPD
- ~500k with non-CF BE
- ~150k have IPF
Multiple Opportunities
Numerous blockbuster drugs
Significant unmet needs remain – many opportunities for new
ArrePath has multiple undisclosed targets under investigation